The incorporation of movement and somatics into my craft, quite honestly saved my life. Movement and connection to body is alchemy in its simplest form. Through it we can transform and transmute the energy within and around us to create a better life experience for ourselves and others. Here I will share some inspired practices with you in the hopes that you will explore somatics as an aspect of your craft as well.
move·ment /ˈmuːv.mənt/ noun – a particular rhythmic flow derived from action or activity
so·mat·ics / səˈmædɪk / noun – a field of study that focuses on the body’s internal physical sensations, perceptions, and experiences
al·che·my /ˈalkəmē / noun – a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination
prac·tice /ˈpraktəs / verb – to carry out or perform an idea, belief or method habitually or regularly.
yo·ga /ˈyōɡə / noun – the Sanskrit term for Yoke or Union, where we as humans are joined or connected to the universal energy that each of us manifests
re·stor·a·tive yo·ga /rəˈstôrədivˈyōɡə / noun – a gentle way of preparing ourselves to slow down and feel a greater sense of inner peace when our stress levels rise